Tuesday, December 1, 2020

♥ What I Wore in November ♥ Manis of the Month ♥ Outfit Roundup ♥ Insta Inspo ♥



  1. All of the outfits you styled and wore in November looked very fashionable and attractive,
    the locales and settings, your poses, and the photography are wonderful,
    and you look gorgeous in all of them!
    I especially love the drape and look of the fabric of the mini-skirt you paired with the polka-dot jumper in the second photo,
    the layered outfit you styled in the 14th photo featuring the vest and pleated black miniskirt,
    as well as the pleated maxi-skirt and jumper in the last photo of the second collage of outfit photos.
    Your perfectly applied nailpolish in the manis also look very pretty!

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