Friday, August 2, 2024

♥ July 2024 Insta Outfit Recap ♥



  1. OMG, did you visit Manhattan again?
    I am not on Instagram, but if I were I would definitely love to Follow you!
    All of the photos in these collages of outfit fashion and all of your travel photographs are fabulous!
    From amongst the many pretty outfits you styled and wore, I am especially loving:
    The blue mini-dress in the centre of the second row of the first collage of photos;
    The dress on the left side of the third row of that first photo-collage;
    The OOTD you were wearing whilst sitting on the bench in the lower left corner
    of the second photo-collage, and;
    The dress you were wearing in the photo on the lower right-hand photo
    in the fourth collage of outfit photos.
    Best wishes for a wonderful August!

    I apologise for not having done another post since my 3rd of May 2024 post:

  2. Le orange et l’une des couleurs les plus jolies pour les accessoires.


Merci pour vos adorables petits mots! Ils sont autant d'invitations à venir vous répondre et découvrir vos univers respectifs!

Thank you for your sweet words! I answer them personally on your blogs and they're as many invitations to discover your respective worlds!